Graduate level students in Social Work, Counseling and Art Therapy Programs may be eligible for one of a limited number of intensive internship opportunities. We meet CACREP accreditation standards and guidelines, and are familiar with state licensing standards for Counselors, Social Workers and Art Therapy students.
Our internships are designed for students interested in working in a private practice setting, while learning the fundamentals of establishing their own private practices.
Call (505) 291-6314 for more information or to schedule an interview, or email us at
Age to Age Counseling PC is a collaborative group counseling practice in which the wellness and well-being of the practitioner providing services is primary. Our work setting is communal and supportive, and our philosophy speaks to the values of practitioner wellness and integrity. Occasionally a vacancy opens for a high quality practitioner who also values self-care, collaboration and alternative therapies.
If this sounds congruent with your own professional aspirations, please call the office directly at (505) 291-6314 or you may email or fax 505-275-0296 a curriculum vita to our clinical director for review.